Indian Health Service - Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Program

Geriatric Nurse Fellows Making A Difference In Local Communities

Fourteen Geriatric Nurse Fellows from the Indian Health Geriatric Nurse Fellowship pilot program’s first cohort shared results from their local projects during the July meeting at the Indian Health Service (IHS) headquarters. 

Staff from the Division of Nursing Services (DNS), Division of Clinical and Community Services (DCCS), and members of the National Nursing Leadership Council (NNLC) gathered with fellows in Rockville, Maryland, for the presentations. 

The fellowship program aims to empower the IHS, Tribal, and Urban Indian Health (I/T/U) nursing workforce with the knowledge and skills to serve as local leaders and champions of care for Native elders. Participants were eligible for up to $6,500 in reimbursement and funding to support: 

  • core and specialty training, 
  • site reimbursement to help buy out the time to participate, 
  • local project activities,
  • attendance at the in-person final presentations and 
  • additional funding for board certification courses or advanced training.

Fellow's four-month projects were picked based on local needs and interests. Topics ranged from sexually transmitted infection (STI) health education for older adults to dementia screening. Medication reconciliation and polypharmacy-related were the most popular topics. Volunteer mentors helped support local project work. 

"Having had the privilege of experiencing the Geri Nurse Fellow pilot presentations, I am beyond impressed by the caliber of work produced. These presentations did more than educate; they inspired me to replicate their innovative projects within my own facility. Truly, this is a testament to what passionate individuals can achieve with the right support and a shared vision for better healthcare," noted Alonna Adair, RN, MSN, Chief Nurse Executive, Claremore Indian Hospital and National Nursing Leadership Council Chair. 

Suzie Chism, a nurse from the IHS Pine Ridge Service Unit in Kyle, South Dakota, developed and tested a new educational intervention to assess medication label literacy. Her work included creating a pre-and post-test that could serve as a stand-alone tool to stratify medication understanding and adherence risk.

Chism shared "In my role as a nurse and also as a daughter that has cared for my father through early onset Alzheimer's disease, I have a strong affinity for helping the elderly and their families. Being surrounded by others in this program, including the supportive and encouraging leadership and mentors, that are just as passionate about elder care was a positive experience for me both on a professional and personal level."  

IHS has a webpage dedicated to more information about the pilot program, Indian Health Geriatric Nurse Fellowship Program | Pilots and Initiatives (

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Lancet Commission Study Identifies Two New Dementia Risk Factors 

An update released by the Lancet Commission states that untreated vision loss and high LDL/bad cholesterol are newly determined risk factors for dementia. 

This report found that almost half of dementia cases worldwide could be attributed to the new set of 14 risk factors. The study suggests that better control and management of certain risk factors could prevent or delay the onset of dementia. The new report and its findings also back up previous evidence that addressing certain risk factors can reduce the development of dementia. Some factors include:

• less education
• hearing loss
• smoking
• depression
• obesity

This is a link to the Lancet Commission Study.

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Upcoming Events

Community Matters: Understanding Social Determinants of Health to Reduce Dementia Risk

August 24, 2024

The Public Health Center of Excellence (PHCOE) on Dementia Risk Reduction invites public health professionals to join an upcoming webinar series focusing on social determinants of health (SDOH) and dementia risk. 

Register for the dementia webinar later this month.

BannerAlz Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease in Native Americans

Oct 24, 2024 - 8:30 AM - 03:30 PM
Vee Quiva Resorts & Casinos, Laveen, AZ 

Banner Health will host its 18th annual conference on growing your understanding of the ‘why’ of Alzheimer’s including cultural perspectives and brain health strategies. 

This is a full day conference. Information is available on the BannerAlz Conference website

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Check out this Podcast!

A Geriatrics and Palliative Care Podcast for Every Healthcare Professional 

GeriPal brings three experts in the field of dementia, Anna Chodos, Joseph Gaugler and Soo Borson, to discuss dementia screenings answering questions like “Who should be screened? What should be used to screen them? And what happens after testing positive for dementia?” 

Find out more on Geriatrics and Palliative Care by listening to the complete GeriPal Podcast!

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  • The Administration for Community Living (ACL) has provided a list of evidence-based and evidence-informed information resources
  • The National Alzheimer’s and Dementia Resource Center (NADRC) has provided a list of recently published articles available for download.

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